Them :)

Snippet Bout Me ya

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A soul with split personality.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


R E S U L T is coming out.
This 13 th F E B. On M O N D A Y!
T H I S gonna determine whether i P A S S my Foundation studies or im gonna fail it.. 
F A I L means repeating. 
R E P E A T I N G means im gonna S I T again or my Foundation and then be one semester late.

Ya Allah.. Please make me pass. Make me pass..

If I get 3.5 above, I will get the most wanted gadget in my life right now. But seeing my performance in 3rd semester, I think my parents can save their money. -__-
So bye bye dearest 'gadget'. *sobsobs

im gonna die
*bukan kucing aku


keyna kina said...

seriously 13th? Goodluck2. Tak larat den nak ulang sem3 balik.

SilentWriter said...

dah tukar.
10 Feb.