Them :)

Snippet Bout Me ya

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A soul with split personality.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


Hello then. Got the result already.
But you know what!
i thought it's coming out on 13th.
But we so wrong! It came out two day earlier.
Mann can die la this way.

Seriously, the most anxious moment is when walking from V2 Cafe back to V4 (my house).
I started to talk merepek to cover my anxiousness. But my other friends, both of them so so so so quiet.

But then, checking my result.....
Hmm.. No smile. No cry. Numb look.
Just like what i expected, it didn't meet my expectation.
So frustrating. i felt so down down down.
And there goes my 'present' katanya. Huwarghhh!!

That's it. The end of my foundation. Alhamdulillah manage to move to the next stage. Officially First Year First. Call me akak!


Wednesday, 8 February 2012


R E S U L T is coming out.
This 13 th F E B. On M O N D A Y!
T H I S gonna determine whether i P A S S my Foundation studies or im gonna fail it.. 
F A I L means repeating. 
R E P E A T I N G means im gonna S I T again or my Foundation and then be one semester late.

Ya Allah.. Please make me pass. Make me pass..

If I get 3.5 above, I will get the most wanted gadget in my life right now. But seeing my performance in 3rd semester, I think my parents can save their money. -__-
So bye bye dearest 'gadget'. *sobsobs

im gonna die
*bukan kucing aku

Friday, 3 February 2012

Derma Darah!

Semalam bersamaan 3 Feb 2012, aku dan seorang kawan aku buat pertama kalinya menderma darah!! (bukan dara) 
Ikutkan aku dah lama dah pasang niat nak derma darah ni, since dah cukup umur.
But going there alone for the first time, so not cool. Not cool.
So i decided to wait la. Padahal takut gi sorang :P
Maka 3 Feb 2012, aku and kawan aku Cik Lettum pun sama-sama decide nak derma darah.

Opcoshh. Eh tak lah. Tak cuak pun. Immacho okay! Cuak sikit je la. So bila baca requirement dia, berat kena lebih 45. Knowing this, Lettum mula risau. Setahu aku, berat dia around 43. Tapi dia dengan yakinnya cakap berat dia dah naik. Berat dia dah naik.
Aku pulak yakin berat dia tak cukup.
Maka kami pun buat bet. Belanja cekelat Cadburry.

And you know whatttt!
Her weight exceed 45kg!! Dengan penambahan 700g. HAHA!
I lost a bet! So Cik Lettum must be waiting for her cekelat now. *sigh*

Apa-apa pun, time kena cucuk tu, takut takut jugak la. Jarum besar okay! Macam aku cakap, immacho so
takde hal sebenarnya. EH? Kenapa aku masih declare aku macho sedangkan ......?

After this nak derma lagi la. Ajak kawan yang lain pulak. :3

see! immacho
Tak dinafikan lepas habis semua tu, kami jadi jakun. Muahaha